Classes are listed below. Please request a link for the class if you have more questions or need help with your set up. This will connect us through email if you need help. Otherwise the class link is listed below to join directly.
8:30-9:45AM Online Yoga - Open Class |
9:00-10:00AM Online Pilates - Open Class |
8:00-9:00AM Online Pilates - Open Class |
8:30-9:45AM Online Yoga - Open Class Friday
12:00-1:00PM Online Pilates - Open Class |
Request a special class for a group of friends or special occasion |
All classes are $20 or sliding scale payable via Venmo @taylorfitwellness is best.
Please, if finances are a struggle still come to class and pay what you can.
Please, if finances are a struggle still come to class and pay what you can.
During the quarantine, regularly scheduled classes at Studio 246 the JCC and Life in Motion and Jack Rabbit Sports have been paused. I would like to offer online classes and have been working to find out what would best serve you. Below are some possibilities. Please let me know what may be a good fit to serve you at this time. If you would like to be notified about possible classes, Please sign up for my Newsletter at th etop of the page.
IF YOUR INCOME HAS DISAPPEARED OR DIMINISHED, please email us. We will figure out something with you about payment. Do not be embarrassed or shy. Please. Please contact us by email [email protected]
IF YOU’RE IN A HOUSE FULL OF PEOPLE OR YOUR SPACE IS A MESS, please don’t worry. You can mute yourself or turn the video off. Just do what you can.
IF YOU CAN’T TAKE A FULL CLASS, please don’t worry. Just do what you can.
***HOW TO DO ONLINE CLASSES ** IT’S A TWO-STEP PROCESS **STEP ONE: SIGN UP AND PAYSign up and pay All times are NYC times. You can join us from anywhere in the world.
*If you are having difficulty signing up or paying for class, please contact us by email [email protected] and then proceed directly to the Zoom link (10 minutes before class starts) we can work out issues together as soon as possible or make an appointment to see what went wrong and get you in for the next class. Do not miss out on the class because you haven’t figured out how to pay or the system is not letting you pay. We will figure it out,as long as we can connect via email. Just show up on the Zoom link.
STEP ONE: Sign up and pay for class. You can send me a text to (646)209-9867 or email to [email protected] to let me know you are coming and that can serve as an informal sign up. Payment options are below:
Venmo: @taylorfitwellness
Zelle: [email protected]
Paypal: [email protected]
If you would rather pay by check you can let me know and we can set that up as well
Hanging In $7
Doing Okay $14
Support $20
Extra Support $28
MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP Attend As Many Classes As You Like
Online Monthly $125
Supporters Monthly $175
Maintainers Monthly $225
Classes are focused on moving mindfully as well as creating strength building challenge where appropriate Prices: $20 per class or sliding scale or $125 for unlimited monthly classes.
STEP TWO: THE ZOOM LINK10 minutes before the actual class starts, go to our Zoom Link:
If it asks you for more info, this should be all you need:
Meeting ID: 880 7198 1618
Password: 881256
**There is only one Zoom stream for ALL of our classes, so please don’t be earlier than 10 minutes before class, but please be there by 5 minutes before the class so that the class can start on time.
IF IT SAYS THAT YOU HAVE BEEN PLACED IN THE WAITING ROOM, JUST WAIT. It means that the prior class has not yet closed out. You will be let in shortly.
***A window should pop up that asks “Open” Click on the Open button.
***From a computer, you will most probably NOT need to download Zoom. Just join the meeting.
***From a phone or tablet, you WILL need to download the Zoom app. Search in your apps for ZOOM Cloud Meetings and make sure the app icon looks like a white video camera on a blue background. The camera faces to the right. If, after you’ve downloaded the app on your phone, it asks what the Zoom meeting number is, it’s 880 7198 1618. The password is 881256.
*If you don’t get that window, click as directed by your computer.
*If you are prompted to choose a name for your Zoom identity, please choose a name that we can identify.
Once it’s launched, a box will pop up that leads you to click on Join With Computer Audio. Click on that and you will join the meeting. It will take a few moments for your audio to connect.
*To start the video so we can see you, please find the icon that looks like a video camera on your screen. Often, it’s at the bottom left-hand corner, where it should say Start Video. Click on that. If you don’t want to be seen, you don’t need to click on that (i.e., if you’re in your jammies, etc.).
*In the beginning of the class, your Audio will probably be on (it is usually controlled on the bottom left of the page if you drag your cursor or press your finger there). If it’s not on, please turn it on. A few minutes into the class, the host will mute your audio. You can unmute if you have a question.
*If you are having technical difficulty with audio and video, it may help to leave the meeting and try again.
*On the top right-hand corner (usually) there is an icon to create a full screen. You can choose to do so or not.
*Depending on your device, just to the left of the full screen icon at the very top right corner of your screen is a choice for either Speaker View or Gallery View (Gallery View is an icon that looks like a box made of 9 squares). Speaker View will make one person the main image (hopefully, the teacher) with small images of other students on top. If this doesn’t work, click on the tiny dots on the right corner of the teacher’s square that appear when you hover there with your cursor and click on Pin. Gallery View will show everyone in equally sized boxes, spread over one or more pages, depending on how large the class is. This is a great way to see everyone else who is in the class.
*If there are technical difficulties, you can fype in the chat and reach out via email at [email protected] to set up a one to one session to troble shoot. you don't have to pay for class if it didn't work out this time. we can work it out together and plan on you joining class the next time all tech savvy now:-)
*You can chat/text with the teacher or anyone in the Zoom room by clicking on the chat icon at the bottom of the screen (if on the phone, please click on More at the bottom right of the screen and chat option will appear). You can choose to communicate with Everyone or choose one particular person by clicking on the Everyone button and finding your person on the dropdown list.
*To leave the meeting at the end of class, drag your cursor to the far right of the screen, where it says Leave Meeting.If you’re on a phone or tablet, it should say Leave in red on the top right corner of the screen. It is important that you do this so we can proceed with the next class, knowing who is taking the class. If you want to stay for the next class, please let the teacher know.
*How to join a Zoom meeting:
*How to get your audio or video working:
*If you are on a phone or tablet that is using Zoom for the first time, you will need to download the Zoom app. Search in your apps for ZOOM Cloud Meetings and make sure the app icon looks like a white video camera on a blue background. The camera faces to the right.
*Place your mat in a cleared space in your home.
*Your computer or device that must be angled so the teacher can see you seated, standing, and lying down.
*Prepare props if you have them. Standard props are mat, 2 blocks, 2 blankets, and a strap.
*For chair classes, please have a sturdy folding or dining chair without arms.
*For restorative classes, explore what you’ve got: Bolsters, firm pillows, throw pillows, couch cushions, firm stacks of blankets or towels, zafus, small towel, eye pillow, soft T-shirt for eyes.
*For Blocks: Books, sturdy boxes, something firm that has height and is hopefully not too heavy
*For Blankets: Large bath towels, couch throws, with some firm thickness so you don’t sink too much
*For Straps: Belt, long scarf, sash from bathrobe
You can find props on the resources page of this website. These are props that I woudl use myself. Or, they are readily available in many local sporting goods stores. The block size we usually use is the 4-inch block. We suggest you have two.
IF YOU’RE IN A HOUSE FULL OF PEOPLE OR YOUR SPACE IS A MESS, please don’t worry. You can mute yourself or turn the video off. Just do what you can.
IF YOU CAN’T TAKE A FULL CLASS, please don’t worry. Just do what you can.
***HOW TO DO ONLINE CLASSES ** IT’S A TWO-STEP PROCESS **STEP ONE: SIGN UP AND PAYSign up and pay All times are NYC times. You can join us from anywhere in the world.
*If you are having difficulty signing up or paying for class, please contact us by email [email protected] and then proceed directly to the Zoom link (10 minutes before class starts) we can work out issues together as soon as possible or make an appointment to see what went wrong and get you in for the next class. Do not miss out on the class because you haven’t figured out how to pay or the system is not letting you pay. We will figure it out,as long as we can connect via email. Just show up on the Zoom link.
STEP ONE: Sign up and pay for class. You can send me a text to (646)209-9867 or email to [email protected] to let me know you are coming and that can serve as an informal sign up. Payment options are below:
Venmo: @taylorfitwellness
Zelle: [email protected]
Paypal: [email protected]
If you would rather pay by check you can let me know and we can set that up as well
Hanging In $7
Doing Okay $14
Support $20
Extra Support $28
MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP Attend As Many Classes As You Like
Online Monthly $125
Supporters Monthly $175
Maintainers Monthly $225
Classes are focused on moving mindfully as well as creating strength building challenge where appropriate Prices: $20 per class or sliding scale or $125 for unlimited monthly classes.
STEP TWO: THE ZOOM LINK10 minutes before the actual class starts, go to our Zoom Link:
If it asks you for more info, this should be all you need:
Meeting ID: 880 7198 1618
Password: 881256
**There is only one Zoom stream for ALL of our classes, so please don’t be earlier than 10 minutes before class, but please be there by 5 minutes before the class so that the class can start on time.
IF IT SAYS THAT YOU HAVE BEEN PLACED IN THE WAITING ROOM, JUST WAIT. It means that the prior class has not yet closed out. You will be let in shortly.
***A window should pop up that asks “Open” Click on the Open button.
***From a computer, you will most probably NOT need to download Zoom. Just join the meeting.
***From a phone or tablet, you WILL need to download the Zoom app. Search in your apps for ZOOM Cloud Meetings and make sure the app icon looks like a white video camera on a blue background. The camera faces to the right. If, after you’ve downloaded the app on your phone, it asks what the Zoom meeting number is, it’s 880 7198 1618. The password is 881256.
*If you don’t get that window, click as directed by your computer.
*If you are prompted to choose a name for your Zoom identity, please choose a name that we can identify.
Once it’s launched, a box will pop up that leads you to click on Join With Computer Audio. Click on that and you will join the meeting. It will take a few moments for your audio to connect.
*To start the video so we can see you, please find the icon that looks like a video camera on your screen. Often, it’s at the bottom left-hand corner, where it should say Start Video. Click on that. If you don’t want to be seen, you don’t need to click on that (i.e., if you’re in your jammies, etc.).
*In the beginning of the class, your Audio will probably be on (it is usually controlled on the bottom left of the page if you drag your cursor or press your finger there). If it’s not on, please turn it on. A few minutes into the class, the host will mute your audio. You can unmute if you have a question.
*If you are having technical difficulty with audio and video, it may help to leave the meeting and try again.
*On the top right-hand corner (usually) there is an icon to create a full screen. You can choose to do so or not.
*Depending on your device, just to the left of the full screen icon at the very top right corner of your screen is a choice for either Speaker View or Gallery View (Gallery View is an icon that looks like a box made of 9 squares). Speaker View will make one person the main image (hopefully, the teacher) with small images of other students on top. If this doesn’t work, click on the tiny dots on the right corner of the teacher’s square that appear when you hover there with your cursor and click on Pin. Gallery View will show everyone in equally sized boxes, spread over one or more pages, depending on how large the class is. This is a great way to see everyone else who is in the class.
*If there are technical difficulties, you can fype in the chat and reach out via email at [email protected] to set up a one to one session to troble shoot. you don't have to pay for class if it didn't work out this time. we can work it out together and plan on you joining class the next time all tech savvy now:-)
*You can chat/text with the teacher or anyone in the Zoom room by clicking on the chat icon at the bottom of the screen (if on the phone, please click on More at the bottom right of the screen and chat option will appear). You can choose to communicate with Everyone or choose one particular person by clicking on the Everyone button and finding your person on the dropdown list.
*To leave the meeting at the end of class, drag your cursor to the far right of the screen, where it says Leave Meeting.If you’re on a phone or tablet, it should say Leave in red on the top right corner of the screen. It is important that you do this so we can proceed with the next class, knowing who is taking the class. If you want to stay for the next class, please let the teacher know.
*How to join a Zoom meeting:
*How to get your audio or video working:
*If you are on a phone or tablet that is using Zoom for the first time, you will need to download the Zoom app. Search in your apps for ZOOM Cloud Meetings and make sure the app icon looks like a white video camera on a blue background. The camera faces to the right.
*Place your mat in a cleared space in your home.
*Your computer or device that must be angled so the teacher can see you seated, standing, and lying down.
*Prepare props if you have them. Standard props are mat, 2 blocks, 2 blankets, and a strap.
*For chair classes, please have a sturdy folding or dining chair without arms.
*For restorative classes, explore what you’ve got: Bolsters, firm pillows, throw pillows, couch cushions, firm stacks of blankets or towels, zafus, small towel, eye pillow, soft T-shirt for eyes.
*For Blocks: Books, sturdy boxes, something firm that has height and is hopefully not too heavy
*For Blankets: Large bath towels, couch throws, with some firm thickness so you don’t sink too much
*For Straps: Belt, long scarf, sash from bathrobe
You can find props on the resources page of this website. These are props that I woudl use myself. Or, they are readily available in many local sporting goods stores. The block size we usually use is the 4-inch block. We suggest you have two.
Click here for Private Session Appointment:
Click here for Podcast Interview Appointment:
Click here to get your first online class for free: Sign Me Up
Click here for Podcast Interview Appointment:
Click here to get your first online class for free: Sign Me Up
Frances has been my instructor for almost a year. She is an exceptional instructor who is always encouraging and a pleasure to work with. Her directions are clear and always accompanied by an explanation of what I am working toward. I feel that I have gained considerable strength and made excellent progress working with Frances.
-Lynn, casting director
I'd been a yoga student on and off for some years, always at the beginner level, but was never really motivated until I went to a Yogilates® class where Frances was the instructor. From the first class I took with her, she was able to put me at ease and inspire a love for yoga. Frances has a wonderful calm manner with her students, but yet she challenged us. The best thing she did for me personally was to make sure I practiced in a correct way and undid bad habits. The three years I spent in her class were an excellent experience, and I was sorry she had to leave to give birth to her first child. To this day, whenever I see other students not being corrected in yoga class, I think of how lucky I was to have had Frances as a yoga teacher."
-Elaine, school administrator
Frances was the only person who got me to move my body beyond walking. The yoga was perfect for me since it didn't require sweat and made my body much stronger. We worked together for a year and I miss our routine. She was always prompt, willing to go the limit to please, loyal and had a real interest in toning one's body. I felt relaxed and comfortable with whatever I could and could not do. Frances adjusted the exercises for me and I never got too sore to continue. When I return -- you are the trainer, for sure!
-Nadine, IBM Program Mgr Professional Sales Development
I've been working with Frances for over 6 years on both yoga and pilates and I continue to learn under her guidance. She is caring, fun and focussed. I highly recommend her to anyone interested in furthering their work in these areas. -Arthur - business executive.
I enjoyed my sessions with Frances. She was able to make have my practice relate directly to my dancing... she was patient and really seemed interested in my progress.
-Chantal, dancer
I have been taking Frances’ class regularly now for months. Her attention to the details of the movement is so appreciated. Frances has the ability to communicate just how to get to those tiny muscles that can completely transform an exercise and one’s relationship to their body. Despite the number of people in the class, Frances always makes sure that we get individual attention. She will demonstrate the exercise but is always watching our form. Her personality is always welcoming and she moves the class at a brisk pace. Personally I have had major injuries and have come to depend upon her classes to progress my rehabilitation. You will be guaranteed a challenging and engaging workout!
-Abigail, business owner
How much I enjoyed her cooking class -- such a great set up so everyone could participate, and how she made a point of making sure each person had something to do to contribute to the meal -- all in such a gentle, unassuming manner -- I loved it!! I have also made the bean salad and kanten at home since then!
-Lynn, casting director
I'd been a yoga student on and off for some years, always at the beginner level, but was never really motivated until I went to a Yogilates® class where Frances was the instructor. From the first class I took with her, she was able to put me at ease and inspire a love for yoga. Frances has a wonderful calm manner with her students, but yet she challenged us. The best thing she did for me personally was to make sure I practiced in a correct way and undid bad habits. The three years I spent in her class were an excellent experience, and I was sorry she had to leave to give birth to her first child. To this day, whenever I see other students not being corrected in yoga class, I think of how lucky I was to have had Frances as a yoga teacher."
-Elaine, school administrator
Frances was the only person who got me to move my body beyond walking. The yoga was perfect for me since it didn't require sweat and made my body much stronger. We worked together for a year and I miss our routine. She was always prompt, willing to go the limit to please, loyal and had a real interest in toning one's body. I felt relaxed and comfortable with whatever I could and could not do. Frances adjusted the exercises for me and I never got too sore to continue. When I return -- you are the trainer, for sure!
-Nadine, IBM Program Mgr Professional Sales Development
I've been working with Frances for over 6 years on both yoga and pilates and I continue to learn under her guidance. She is caring, fun and focussed. I highly recommend her to anyone interested in furthering their work in these areas. -Arthur - business executive.
I enjoyed my sessions with Frances. She was able to make have my practice relate directly to my dancing... she was patient and really seemed interested in my progress.
-Chantal, dancer
I have been taking Frances’ class regularly now for months. Her attention to the details of the movement is so appreciated. Frances has the ability to communicate just how to get to those tiny muscles that can completely transform an exercise and one’s relationship to their body. Despite the number of people in the class, Frances always makes sure that we get individual attention. She will demonstrate the exercise but is always watching our form. Her personality is always welcoming and she moves the class at a brisk pace. Personally I have had major injuries and have come to depend upon her classes to progress my rehabilitation. You will be guaranteed a challenging and engaging workout!
-Abigail, business owner
How much I enjoyed her cooking class -- such a great set up so everyone could participate, and how she made a point of making sure each person had something to do to contribute to the meal -- all in such a gentle, unassuming manner -- I loved it!! I have also made the bean salad and kanten at home since then!
sessions and events
Frances is happy to be offering classes and workshops in the areas of Yoga, Anatomy and Pilates. She also comes from a dance and personal training background, so can tailor private sessions to the needs of her students. She teaches several ongoing classes per week. Beginners seniors and experienced students seeking anatomically informed alignment will all enjoy her classes. If you would like to book Frances for a private session or workshop, please reach out to her at [email protected].
one to one sessions

Frances has 28 years of experience guiding people in athletic, therapeutic and creative movement. Her vast knowledge of the human body is drawn from an early interest in Anatomy Studies, the Pilates method and Structural Yoga Therapy, as well as her years as a professional modern dancer.
She draws teaching inspiration from her study with Jennifer Muller/The Works Dance company where using imagery to make complex anatomical concepts accessible to all was the norm.
Frances has been teaching in studios, sports clubs, homes and offices throughout New York City since 1996. She has co-taught Anatomy Studies for Yoga Teachers with Jason Brown and is passionate about sharing knowledge about anatomy especially to keep students safe during their exploration of their bodies.
Frances is proud of her profound history of working with students dealing with special conditions. Her teaching is always guided by investigation, compassion and the deep insight honed by many years of experience.
Frances' home base is Online where she offers a wide range of classes in the comfort of your own home.
She draws teaching inspiration from her study with Jennifer Muller/The Works Dance company where using imagery to make complex anatomical concepts accessible to all was the norm.
Frances has been teaching in studios, sports clubs, homes and offices throughout New York City since 1996. She has co-taught Anatomy Studies for Yoga Teachers with Jason Brown and is passionate about sharing knowledge about anatomy especially to keep students safe during their exploration of their bodies.
Frances is proud of her profound history of working with students dealing with special conditions. Her teaching is always guided by investigation, compassion and the deep insight honed by many years of experience.
Frances' home base is Online where she offers a wide range of classes in the comfort of your own home.
semi private yoga classes

Frances has been working with beginners and students with special concerns to gain an awareness of their body gradually and mindfully for many years. She uses her experience with dance and anatomy studies to make the postures accessible and adaptable when necessary.
In her dance training with Jennifer Muller/THE WORKS, Frances learned the effectiveness of using visual imagery to teach anatomical concepts and the body/mind connection.
Her main focus is on practical application of yoga asana to support the activities of daily living, and making the yoga practice fun and accessible to students of all levels, especially beginners. All Yoga classes are taught Online.
In her dance training with Jennifer Muller/THE WORKS, Frances learned the effectiveness of using visual imagery to teach anatomical concepts and the body/mind connection.
Her main focus is on practical application of yoga asana to support the activities of daily living, and making the yoga practice fun and accessible to students of all levels, especially beginners. All Yoga classes are taught Online.
pilates group classes

Frances comes from a background of dance and performance which makes Pilates a practice she holds near and dear to her heart. You must have a strong core to really move your body through space in a connected joyous way!
She follows a systematic alternation of body focuses inspired by the Zenyasa Yoga practice, and always inter twines the classic exercises with the daily focus to give you a movement practice that thoroughly works every part of your body.
Frances comes from a background of dance and performance which makes Pilates a practice she holds near and dear to her heart. You must have a strong core to really move your body through space in a connected joyous way!
She follows a systematic alternation of body focuses inspired by the Zenyasa Yoga practice, and always inter twines the classic exercises with the daily focus to give you a movement practice that thoroughly works every part of your body.
anatomy studies

Frances co taught Anatomy Studies for Yoga Teachers with Jason Ray Brown adding her own focal point to the teachings. Frances marvels at the wonder of opening the door to the vast subject in a profound way to many wonderful teachers.
Each group that goes through what we call "The Big Course" has their own unique revelations. It is a joy to share these teachings. Frances also teaches anatomy in a condensed version for yoga teacher trainings and can be booked for these sessions by contacting [email protected]